The Vampigirls

Kiuna Zinshidar Piihun
Native writing

See commissions
Other name Zinar
(nickname by Kiuna)
Race They are true-blood vampires, meaning they are not undeads, can stay in the sunlight without being vaporised, and don't need to drink blood to survive (but they still like its taste). They are still immortals.
Age 26 yo Unknown (but old) 21 yo
Height 180cm 171cm 159cm
Skin colour Very pale pinkish Light grey Mutable
Eyes Green
Vertical pupil
Horizontal pupil
Three white pupils in a triangular layout (no sclera)
Ears Slightly pointy, like a vampire. Or the elves in Lord of the Ring. (for a photo reference, click the link at the bottom)
Hairstyle Very long Bob cut Long
Favourite: braids (but like to change often)
Hair colour Lava Red Navy Blue Mutable
Tongue Green
Thin with a fork head, like a snake's
Sticky and extensible, like a frog's/Yoshi's
Tiger tongue, so large
Body shape Fit, slightly muscular
Average bust size
Thin silhouette
Athletic, muscular
Big bust
Wider shoulders/hips than Kiuna
Flat chest
Clothes style Classy and gothic dresses, mostly black and red. With high heel boots. Schoolgirl-like:
white shirt
purple tie
black/green/purple tartan skirt
Plain sneakers
Denim shorts, sleeveless t-shirt and combat boots.
Jewellery A black necklace, and some silver rings. Rings at the top of her right ear. Pierced nipples, and some gold bracelets
Traits Joyful, mischievous. Master of the poker face, doesn't show much emotion yet cares about others. Don't care about anything, stay out of everything, feels like an outcast (she isn't).
Physical traits Has a birthmark/angioma that looks like flames under her left eye, and her right fang is broken. Has freckles. Her fangs are longer than usual.
Abilities Can talk to certain small animals races (bats, dogs, birds).
Has infrared vision.
Can extend her nails into ~5cm claws.
Can levitate above surface (even the ceiling).
Can control her "age" appearance.
Can smell someone she knows well on extreme distances.
Has retractable wings (that "disappear" inside her body)
Can extend her nails into ~30cm claws.
Can transform into a giant humanoid bat.
Can change her skin and hair colours at will.
Up to two colours for each.
But favours light yellow/orange/pink tones.
Pets A corgi named Grinzaan. A white and round hen named Malan that likes to sit on Zinar's head. Two small green lizards.
Relationship Always has had admiration for her mentor and model Zinshidar, that she sees more like a big sister than a master.
Sometimes it feels it's more than just admiration...
Saw Kiuna grow up and is helping her handle her abilities.
Likes her mischievous protégée even though sometimes she's a bit tiring.
Kiuna sends strange signals sometimes...
Tries to stay away of everybody.
Only love cheese and her lizards.
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